Cheating in High School

Academic Dishonesty in High School: Is a Suspension or Involuntary Transfer Too Harsh?
These days, student suspension or transfer is no longer limited to colleges and universities. High students can be suspended or transferred for academic dishonesty problems. That is why many parents prefer to hire an education lawyer for high school students to advise their students. Is suspending a high school student for cheating too harsh?
What Constitutes Academic Dishonesty
A student can face charges of academic dishonesty when they cheated or plagiarized other people’s work without citing it correctly. Also, sharing work without the proper authorization with another person counts as academic misconduct.
Academic Dishonesty Accusations Used to be a College Issue
Academic dishonesty allegations are common in college settings where every student should know better than stealing content from sources online and using it as their own. This issue can result in suspension or even expulsion in college settings.
However, some high schools today use academic dishonesty as a category to support student punishment. Schools have established policies that can leave a cheating student suspended or transferred to another high school. Thus, it is important for parents and students to know that when an academic dishonesty allegation can lead to harsh punishments.
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Traditional Punishments for Cheating in High School
Before, punishments for students found cheating often strayed in classrooms and affected grades. For instance, the teacher might give the guilty student a zero on any copied assignments or an F in a class. Today, these punishments are still enforced in schools. However, academic dishonesty has moved into a category as school discipline, not just within the high school classroom. Unfortunately, school discipline like suspension has higher stakes for a high school student and usually stays in their records.
Can High Schools Suspend a Student Caught Cheating?
Suspension may or may not be an ideal punishment for cheating in high school. After all, schools tend to suspend students for a lot of things and believe they can include several matters in the suspension code. Whether or not cheat fit is not clear. While there’s no code that directly permits suspension for cheating, others can cover it.
Involuntary Transfer for Academic Dishonesty in High School
Some schools go beyond just suspension and transfer students who cheat involuntarily. Often, this type of transfer can happen when a student faces expulsion. In this case, parents may just want to transfer their students involuntarily instead of having them expelled by the school.